MOVIE: Europa and shadow transit Jupiter
This movie shows the movement of the moon and the planet's rotation over a period of 3h 45m, in 8 seconds (i.e. speeded up 1400x). Notice Europa moving in front of Jupiter from the right, followed a while later by its shadow; then it exits the face of Jupiter on the left, followed a while later by the shadow. By the end, the Great Red Spot rotates into view from the right.
The movie above was captured and compiled as follows:
* Lexington, Mass. Suburban skies; 50-45F, low humidity and clear; planet high in the sky
* Very poor seeing, with lots of turbulence and many images washed out
* November 25, 2011, 9:15pm to 1:00am
* 8" F/6 Newtonian with Televue 2.5x Powermate
* Takahashi EM-200 mount
* Canon 450D (modified by Hap Griffin) in Liveview, zoom mode (1/100sec, 400ASA equiv)
* Frames taken every 15min
* Each frame is processed from 500 images, using about 150-200 of the best images
* Captured with Mike Unsold's ImagesPlus 4.0; processed in ImagesPlus 3.82
* The images were imported into Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0, assembled into movie, and converted to MPEG2